Location: Esalen, Big Sur
Date: Nov 15 – 20, 2015
Presenter : Dr. Raoul Goldberg, MD
Our reality and experience in life is determined by the character position in which we find ourselves. This position may be historically determined through social conditioning, or ingeniously through the character we create for ourselves for optimal security and comfort. It changes constantly through our interaction with the world and with ourselves. But are they the best positions for effective living? Or are they the root cause for unsustainable health? For example, isn’t the character position of “always wanting to please others” restrictive and limiting? Is the subconscious position of “neediness that quests for gratification” the force that lies behind addictive behavior?
Raoul Goldberg will present his approach to Participatory Medicine and Participatory Psycho-development by showing how we can find out where we are at all times. When we know who we become and in what position we are, we can choose to shift this position and create the character of our own choice for maximizing our life potential.
This is an interactive workshop in which participants will be taken from the phenomena of experience into the heart of the psyche. There, they can discover the psychological formations that make up all aspects of their personality, and learn how to consciously work with these fixed forms to bring about desired change.
Su 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Mo Tu We Th 9:30 am – 12:45 pm
Mo Tu We Th 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Fr 10:00 am – 12:00 pm