Hooked On Computers: Part 5
DR RAOUL GOLDBERG, BSC (MED), MB CHB, CEDH (HOM) practises anthroposophical medicine in his general family practice in Cape Town. He has been a school doctor in the Waldorf school movement for many years and has lectured widely on many subjects related to child...
Highly Sensitive Children Part 3: The Autistic Spectrum Disorder
The Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Highly Sensitive Children Part 3 By Dr Raoul Goldberg BSc (Med), MB ChB (Wits), CEDH (Hom) Simon aged 7 years would not talk to me or any other strangers, or make eye contact with me. His exquisitely carved features and large blue...
Highly Sensitive Children Part 2: Care of the Sensitive Child
Having established an understanding of the highly sensitive child in the first part of this article, I now look at some aspects of caring for the functional sensitive child and the dysfunctional sensitive child (the latter includes children with sensory integration...
Highly Sensitive Children Part 1: Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child
Family health Highly sensitive children Part 1: Understanding the highly sensitive child By Dr Raoul Goldberg BSc (Med), MB ChB (Wits), CEDH (Hom) Many of us live with or know children who are highly sensitive. It is estimated that some 20 - 25% of girls and boys...
FEVER: A Gift for Health
If you ask most people what they think of fever they will usually tell you that it makes them feel unwell, that it is a sign of illness, that it can be dangerous and that it needs to be suppressed. If you consult most doctors with regard to fever, you will usually be...
Essentials in Communicating With Stressed Children
By Dr Raoul Goldberg Every child lives out his or her unique life story. Each one is a story about an individual human being on his journey through life, living through countless unique experiences. Inevitably, many of these experiences will be difficult and...
Entertainment Captive Children: Part 4
(Abridged version of an article to appear in the book Awaken to Child Health (Hawthorne Press Stroud, UK, 2008). DR RAOUL GOLDBERG, BSC (MED), MB CHB, CEDH (HOM) practises anthroposophical medicine in his general family practice in Cape Town. He has been a school...
Eating Disorders in Children
Obesity and anorexia nervosa are two extremes of a spectrum of eating disorders and eating abnormalities that probably affect one in every third child. The prevalence of these disorders has increased greatly over the past decade especially in developed countries, and...
Depressed Children: Hear Their Cry!
By Dr Raoul Goldberg BSc (Med), MB ChB (Wits), CEDH (Hom) The cries of depressed children who have no advocates to speak for them are sounding all around us. It is estimated that 2% of primary school children and 5% of adolescents are affected by major clinical...
Creative Nutrition for Healthy Children: Part 2
In Part 1 of this article an attempt was made to offer a general commonsense approach to healthy child nutrition. In Part 2 the intention is to explore the subject in more depth, based on the natural connection between the child's constitution and nature, from which...